Burning Bowl Ceremony

The annual burning bowl ritual allows us to reflect on the past year and release anything required to bring our presence fully into the new one. All will be invited to write down words on paper representing something they want to let go of. One by one, the papers are burned as we celebrate the … Continue reading Burning Bowl Ceremony

Theodore Parker Throws it Down

In similar fashion to Emerson’s “Divinity School Address,” let’s explore another “throwdown” in Unitarian history – Theodore Parker’s controversial 1841 sermon, “The Transient and Permanent in Christianity.” The transient, to him, was Christianity’s theological and scriptural dogma, and the permanent was its moral truths. Find out how Parker’s radical vision of Christianity changed Unitarianism and … Continue reading Theodore Parker Throws it Down

World Community

Since its origin, Unitarian Universalism has espoused the goal of “world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all.” This aspirational statement aiming to repair the evils of the world can often be seen as unrealistic. Why should we work toward the elusive, complicated and seemingly impossible goal of world community? Is peace, liberty and … Continue reading World Community