Speaker: Rev. Chris Hockman

Emerson Throws it Down

Let’s dive into Unitarian history and explore Ralph Waldo Emerson’s 1838 Divinity School Address. In this address, Emerson critiqued Christianity and religious institutions, and Unitarianism was not spared. Find out how Emerson’s calls for a new kind of spirituality based on individual experience and personal insight influenced the Unitarian Universalism we practice today. 

Compassion Can Change the World

The principle of compassion lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions, calling to always treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves. Find out about the Charter for Compassion, which supports the emerging global movement of compassion by connecting, cultivating, and encouraging networks of compassionate action.

Complicated Lives . . .Complicated Legacies

Join us as we discuss a human paradox: how we are all capable of doing selfless and positive things and hurtful, destructive things throughout our lives. Considering this paradox, how do we measure the contributions of a person’s complicated life?

The Spirituality of Memory

Are memories simply part of the past we carry into the present, or are they a source of spiritual meaning in our lives? Find out what science and a sampling of religions have to say about it the role of memory in our spiritual lives.

Gender Revolution

In honor of Pride Month, all are invited to watch Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric and come prepared for an exploration of gender diversity. What does the “gender revolution” mean for Unitarian Universalism and our congregation? The film is available to watch for free here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=10154790608436005

Keeping Sabbath UU-Style

• If you are unable to attend in person, you can watch the service online here.Setting aside time each week to observe the ancient concept of Sabbath can be beneficial to modern Unitarian Universalists. An invitation to “turn off” so you can “tune in,” a Sabbath means reserving a special time to turn attention away from obligations … Continue reading Keeping Sabbath UU-Style