Covenant Circle Word Documents
- Session Template_2023.docx
- A Community of Stories, updated February 2025.docx
- A People of Covenant - Our Journey Begins.docx
- Acceptance of Others Beliefs-Third Principle-revised May 2022.docx
- Adversity in our Lives.docx
- Aging_revised May 2019.docx
- An Exploration of Poetry May 2020.docx
- Anxiety.docx
- Art Appreciation- October 2023.docx
- At Year's End- December 2020.docx
- Authenticity- June 2024.docx
- Banned Books- June 2023.docx
- Be the Change-revised October 2020.docx
- Beach_Lessons.doc
- Being Of Service-revised September 2020.docx
- Beloved Community revised Oct 2022.docx
- Beyond Categorical Thinking (Interrupting Bias) (December 2021).docx
- Beyond the Partisan Divide.docx
- Call to Faith in Turbulent Times_ A Call to Imagination.docx
- Call to Faith in Turbulent Times_ A Call to Love.docx
- Call to Faith in Turbulent Times_ A Call to Relationship in Action.docx
- Call to Faith in Turbulent Times_Call to Vision.docx
- Cartoons.docx
- Changing Relationships.docx
- Choices We Make.docx
- Compassionate Living_January 2022.docx
- Connecting during the Pandemic.docx
- Contentment-revised March 2021.docx
- Courage.docx
- Creativity_revised March 2022.docx
- Curiosity_revised November 2021.docx
- Deep Listening (Soul Matters Edition) October 2024.docx
- Destiny_revised June 2023.docx
- Endings -Good Goodbyes- September 2021.docx
- Exploring Friendship- March 2024.docx
- Exploring What Calls You- revised September 2021.docx
- Fear and Fearlessness.doc
- First Source - Mystery and Wonder.docx
- For the Good of All.docx
- Forgiveness_revised 2023.docx
- Fostering Empathy-revised October 2020.docx
- Fourth Source - Loving Our Neighbors.docx
- Free and Responsible search for Truth and Meaning.docx
- Friendship-revised October 2020.doc
- GUUF Congregational Covenant - August 2023.docx
- Gardening as a Spiritual Path.docx
- Generosity (Soul Matters edition) November 2023.docx
- Generosity- revised November 2022.docx
- Grace_April 2021.docx
- Gratitude_revised March 2024.doc
- Grief and Loss_revised 2018.doc
- Guilt.docx
- HELP-Giving. Receiving and Asking for Help_revised 9_2018.docx
- Hate - revised January 2025.docx
- Healthy Boundaries-revised November 2020.docx
- Heritage -October 2023.docx
- Hope_February 2021.docx
- Humanism-April 2023.docx
- Humor-revised October 2020.docx
- Income Inequality and Homelessness- April 2023.docx
- Inherent Worth and Dignity rev Aug 2020.docx
- Interconnection with the Natural World_7th principle.docx
- Interdependence (Soul Matters edition) April 2024.docx
- Invitation (Soul Matters edition) September 2024.docx
- Journey Begins_Covenant_revised August 2024.docx
- Joy- revised October 2020.doc
- Justice and Equity (Soul Matters edition) Feb 2024.docx
- Kindness_September 2021.docx
- Laughter-January 2023.docx
- Lessons Learned from the Covid Pandemic- March 2021.docx
- Letting Go_revised April 2022.docx
- Light in the Darkness- revised May 2022.docx
- Listening- January 2022.doc
- Living with Uncertainty_September 2021.docx
- Loneliness.docx
- Love-revised Feb 2023.docx
- Managing Conflict -June 2022.docx
- Meeting the Stranger_revised Sep 2020.docx
- Music_February 202, revised Feb 2025.docx
- Mystery (Soul Matters edition) Dec 2023.docx
- Mysticism- January 2023.doc
- Our Identities- October 2022.docx
- Our Judaic and Christian Heritage.docx
- Our_Parents_Ourselves.doc
- Personally Powerful Books.docx
- Playfulness.docx
- Pluralism (Soul Matters edition) May 2024.docx
- Prayer -Table Grace revised September 2021.docx
- Prayer.docx
- Present Over Perfect.docx
- Questions to Connect Us.docx
- Radical Hospitality -group activity.docx
- Radical Hospitality.docx
- Reclaiming Innocence.docx
- Reflecting on Covenant.docx
- Relationship to Money rev January 2024.docx
- Relationship to Mystery.docx
- Renewal (Soul Matters edition) June 2024.docx
- Repair (Soul Matters Edition) November 2024.docx
- Resilience- March 2021.docx
- Resolving To Change (December 2021).docx
- Respect_December 2024.docx
- Second Source- Words and Deeds of Prophetic People.docx
- Secrecy, Privacy and Confidentiality-Jan 2023.docx
- Self Care_December 2022.doc
- Self-ActualizationandTranscendence.docx
- Silence- updated February 2022.docx
- Something that Touches You.docx
- Spiritual Journey.docx
- Staying Positive in a Negative World.docx
- Tears - March 2023.docx
- The Gift of Years-February 2023.docx
- The Practice of Presence (Soul Matters) December 2024.docx
- The Practice of Story (Soul Matters Edition) Janaury 2025.docx
- The Practice of Trust (Soul Matters Edition) March 2025.docx
- Third Source - Wisdom from the World's Religions.docx
- Time(lessness).docx
- Together - Apart.docx
- Transformation (Soul Matters edition) March 2024.docx
- Transitions_revised 2020.docx
- UU Elevator Speech- revised June 2024.docx
- UU Second Principle_revised April 2022.docx
- UnderstandingTransgender.doc
- Using I Statements_final.docx
- Values- March 2021.docx
- Vulnerability - updated May 2024.docx
- Welcoming-September 2023.docx
- What About Animals_revised Feb 2021.docx
- What Is Enough-revised September 2020.doc
- What is Truth_revised 2020.docx
- What is Your True Nature_March 2022.doc
- White Privilege_revised 2024.docx