9 June-3:30 pm

Grab your party hat, it’s this Sunday at 3:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall!  If you have family or friends who have not yet replied, please let Janet Aguilar know ASAP.  We will be setting up after the coffee hour Sunday.  

There will be flower boas for the Newbie Super Agers so everyone knows who we are.  You can pick one up as you walk in the door and also a paper name tag.  

We have quite a few people from the Fellowship who plan to come and have compiled a list of people who are over 80 years who will be recognized as well.  Bibi Harris has agreed to be our Mistress of Ceremonies!  She has also volunteered to set up a photo booth just for fun!  We want to take a group photo for posterity and Bibi will tell us when that’s happening.  

Dave Wilder has finished the slide show and it includes some photos from the 1994 party when we turned 50.  Let’s all give Dave a round of applause!!!  Would you like to hear some oldies music?  From which era?  1960s, 70s, 80s?  Let us know and we’ll see what we can do.  

Janet is ordering a cake and bringing flowers for the buffet table.  Please remember to bring an appetizer.  We can also use some volunteers for the cleanup.

If you have any questions, comments, ideas, please REPLY ALL so we can make it happen!

See you Sunday!

Mary Margaret, Janet and Bibi