Speaker: Rev. Chris Hockman

Love at the Center

If you are unable to attend in person, follow this link. It’s an exciting time in the living tradition of Unitarian Universalism. Find out about the proposed transformation of our UU Principles and Purposes. Join us to consider how this re-imagination has the potential to lead us toward living our aspirations more fully and faithfully … Continue reading Love at the Center

A UU Navigating Easter

If you are unable to attend in person, follow this link. On a Sunday when the Christian world celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, many Unitarian Universalists are left to wonder what to make of this incredible story. Yet, we have all experienced times when we believed all in our lives was lost, only to “come … Continue reading A UU Navigating Easter

Mission Possible

If you are unable to attend in person, follow this link. Join us for this interactive service in which everyone will contribute to a new and up-to-date mission for our GUUF community. Let’s take some time to learn about mission statements, the spiritual and practical purposes they serve and how they can be used to … Continue reading Mission Possible

Living in Abundance

If you are unable to attend the service in person, you can watch it on YouTube here. Our feelings of gratitude and generosity can be affected by two different spiritual outlooks: scarcity and abundance. The spiritual mindset of scarcity is a “glass half-empty” outlook – a belief that resources such as time, energy, money, and … Continue reading Living in Abundance