Speaker: Walter Ezell

Back from Hell: Forgiveness, Punishment and Healing

What a complicated cup of soup is that thing we call “justice.” In this lay-led service, Walter will draw upon his experience as a genocide scholar to consider the #MeToo movement, the trial of Adolph Eichmann, and the war on drugs. Together we will ponder our needs for revenge, deterrence, rehabilitation and – at last — healing. (Sunday Services associate: Richard Nelson)

“Heritage Not Hate”: Is It Even Possible?

Can anyone with Confederate ancestors sanitize the flag, the monuments and most of all the history of the Southern rebellion and pretend it was all about freedom? There is no honor in rewriting history or making excuses for our ancestors. Walter Ezell, a student of American history who has some Confederate ancestors of his own, will offer thoughts about this timely issue. (Sunday Services associate: Barbara Gill)

A Human Jesus

Unitarians departed from the Jesus-as-God theology several centuries ago, but Jesus remains part of our faith tradition. In a world hungering for comfort, justice and, yes, even salvation, what can a human, historical Jesus offer beyond feel-good memes and nuggets of wisdom? (Sunday Services Associate: Sheila Jackson)

Conspiracy Theories

Who Do You Trust? Neil Armstrong never made it to the moon? Barack Obama’s mom faked his birth announcement? George W. Bush blew up the twin towers? Facts don’t seem to matter anymore. Rules of evidence need not apply. Did aliens invade our brains and fill them with phony facts? (Sunday Services associate: Sheila Jackson) •Solar panel dedication after the service.

Living in the Echo Bubble

Echo Bible, babble, bubble. Confirmation bias. We unfriend people who disagree with us. We watch the cable network that says what we believe. We are living in a bubble of confirmation bias.

Blue Zones

Blue Zones Walter Ezell (Gordon Branson) Dan Buetner’s assignment from the National Geographic introduced him to cultures where people in large numbers have lived past 100. Walter will reflect on how to shape our own environment into a Blue Zone.