Speaker: Rev. Chris Hockman

Mission Possible

If you are unable to attend in person, follow this link. Join us for this interactive service in which everyone will contribute to a new and up-to-date mission for our GUUF community. Let’s take some time to learn about mission statements, the spiritual and practical purposes they serve and how they can be used to … Continue reading Mission Possible

Living in Abundance

If you are unable to attend the service in person, you can watch it on YouTube here. Our feelings of gratitude and generosity can be affected by two different spiritual outlooks: scarcity and abundance. The spiritual mindset of scarcity is a “glass half-empty” outlook – a belief that resources such as time, energy, money, and … Continue reading Living in Abundance

GUUF Community Values

If you are unable to attend in person, you can watch online here. Our Fellowship’s community values may be described as “the qualities of life we commit to nurture in order to establish and maintain our Beloved Community.” These values form the center of our experience together and will inform our re-imagined vision, mission and … Continue reading GUUF Community Values

Egbert Ethelred Brown: Black Pioneer in Unitarianism

If you are unable to attend in person, you can watch here. Drawing from the book, Black Pioneers in a White Denomination by Rev. Dr. Mark Morrison-Reed, let’s hear the story of Rev. Egbert Ethelred Brown, one of the first African-American Unitarian ministers. What does Rev. Brown’s story have to tell us about the lack of racial … Continue reading Egbert Ethelred Brown: Black Pioneer in Unitarianism

Covenanting Together

If you are unable to attend in person, you can watch here. Join us for this interactive service in which we will gather the congregation’s contributions to a new congregational covenant. A covenant is a mutual agreement within the congregation that clarifies what it values most highly, defines the promises we make together and defines how … Continue reading Covenanting Together