Speaker: Rev. Chris Hockman

Repairing the World with Reverence

Wendell Berry writes, “it is only on the condition of humility and reverence before the world that our species will be able to remain in it.” It is out of such reverence that the desire to repair the world is born. How can Unitarian Universalists employ the concept of reverence toward such ends?

Christianity and the UU: Our Undeniable Roots

Christianity is one of interwoven strands that compose the fabric of our UU faith, as well as our historical faith tradition. Find out how the religion of our origin has shaped our UU tradition and may continue to provide us with inspiration and wisdom.

Beginner’s Mind When You’ve Seen it all Before

Beginner’s mind means dropping our expectations and preconceived ideas about something and seeing things with an open mind and fresh eyes, just like a beginner. What happens when you invite yourself to look at everything as if it’s brand new?

Emerson Throws it Down

Let’s dive into Unitarian history and explore Ralph Waldo Emerson’s 1838 Divinity School Address. In this address, Emerson critiqued Christianity and religious institutions, and Unitarianism was not spared. Find out how Emerson’s calls for a new kind of spirituality based on individual experience and personal insight influenced the Unitarian Universalism we practice today. 

Compassion Can Change the World

The principle of compassion lies at the heart of all religious, ethical and spiritual traditions, calling to always treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves. Find out about the Charter for Compassion, which supports the emerging global movement of compassion by connecting, cultivating, and encouraging networks of compassionate action.

Complicated Lives . . .Complicated Legacies

Join us as we discuss a human paradox: how we are all capable of doing selfless and positive things and hurtful, destructive things throughout our lives. Considering this paradox, how do we measure the contributions of a person’s complicated life?