Speaker: Rev. Chris Hockman

The “G Word”

Sometimes the “G word” is problematic for Unitarian Universalist. But yet, the “G word” doesn’t represent the same thing for every person. Let’s explore the variety of understandings and definitions of God that are out there. (worship Associate: Ward Hammond). Stream here:

The Work of Becoming

Join us to celebrate the “coming of age” of our youth, who have completed a long journey of learning about Unitarian Universalism and themselves. They will share their personal statements of belief, also known as credos, with the congregation. Rev. Chris Hockman with David Funderburk, Laura Christenbury, Candy Kern, Kriya Kouyoumijian, Irene Coulliard Dix, Cole Coulliard … Continue reading The Work of Becoming

The Hunted Heretics

Although Unitarianism did not appear as an organized denomination in the U.S. until the 1800s, Unitarian ideas have been around almost as long as Christianity itself. Come learn about some of the early heretics and reformers whose thoughts and writings helped inspire the beginnings of European Unitarianism. In-person with Rev. Chris Hockman, Dionisio Camacho and … Continue reading The Hunted Heretics

To Love Into Being

What does it mean to love someone into being? Find out how Unitarian Universalist congregations can be the catalyst for these transformational, life-changing and life-giving experiences.The service will be streamed here: https://www.facebook.com/GreenvilleUU/live