(All are in PDF format. If you don’t have a PDF reader, you can download one here.)

Expense FormsIncome Forms
All expense forms pdf
Building & Grounds income form pdf
LREducation income form pdf
Miscellaneous income form pdf
Social Responsibility income form pdf
Sunday Services income form pdf
Ways & Means income form pdf
Other Forms
B&G : HVAC Filters: pdfRE Activity Permission form
Audrey's Closet Sales Report pdfRE Field Trip Driver pdf
Automated Bank Transfer pdfRE Registration form
Scatter Garden InfoRE Volunteer Registration pdf
Facility Use: fill In form

The main expense form will allow you to type into it and save it as a new file on your computer. 

When you click a link to a document, the file will open in a new screen. Download the file (desktop is good) and open it in Acrobat Reader (usually, just by double clicking on the file that is now on your computer.)

On the right side, click on icon #11 – Fill and Sign.  Click that icon and when you click on a line on the form, a box will form and you can type onto that line. 

The categories are on page 2.  Use the appropriate category for your expense. 

Rename and save the filled out form on your computer (again, desktop is good).  Then it can be printed or emailed to the office.  

These directions should apply to the other forms on this page.