woc-signWhat kind of school do you want for your child?
Probably something…

Safe, Stimulating & FUN !

We offer that and more here at UU World of Children.  Our program was started in September 1997 because of our commitment to diversity in the Greenville community.  Our Website

Spaghetti Lunch – The UU World of Children sponsors their Spaghetti Luncheon twice a year in the Fellowship Hall immediately following the service (12:15 pm). Proceeds benefit the UU World of Children Scholarship Fund. Come join us for food, fun, and fellowship! 

Attractions Books will also be on sale at the Spaghetti Lunch. Proceeds go to the UUWOC Scholarship Fund.  Or you can contact the office to buy, 864-239-0607 or [email protected].

There is also a fundraiser at the Warehouse Theatre. Date TBA.