Social Justice: 20 January

Five Practices of Welcome: Info here

Food Drive to Benefit Food Not Bombs
WHEN: Sunday, January 26
WHERE: GUUF-Narthex Entry Doors
FNB is in need of food items like Vienna sausages, spam, tuna, complete pancake mix, syrup, rice, canned & bagged red/black beans, mayo, soups,  spices, salt, cooking oil, sugar, masa, pasta & sauce, ramen noodles, cereal, fruit cups, protein bars, and peanut butter. The food that we donate is distributed at the Monday food-share and in food-bags delivered weekly to 25 families in need. FNB also needs financial support to pay the monthly rental fees for their two storage spaces, so donations of cash are greatly appreciated. Contact Janet Aguilar at [email protected] if you have any questions. 
UU THE VOTE: A SWITCH TO SC LEGISLATIVE ISSUES. In conjunction with the South Carolina UU Justice Alliance (SCUUJA), our congregational UU the Vote efforts are now focusing on local and statewide legislative issues. The first issues selected include the Clementa C. Pinckney Hate Crimes Act, and the PreK Suspension Bill. SC is one of only 2 states without hate crimes legislation: a bill has been presented for the past 3 years, only to be sidelined by the state majority leader, Shane Massey. So we will be writing postcards to our local state legislators, as well as to Shaney Massey, asking to support the bill this legislative session. The PreK Suspension Bill has been proposed in response to the fact that SC leads the country in PreK school suspensions: last year more than 900 3-4 year-olds were suspended from school, more than 60% of whom were children of color. Studies have demonstrated that such suspensions can have deleterious effects on these children in later years. SCUUJA congregations will also be sending postcards to legislators to support this bill that will set standards for the education and training of teachers and administrators working with PreK students. Please join us in the FH after service: only 3 postcards need to be filled out by each person. We look forward to seeing you.
_________________________________________________________________________________________Adopt-A- Highway – Postponed. To sign up and/or for more info: contact Karen Pere-Williams: [email protected].