Social Justice Committee

GREENVILLE RAINBOW PUSH – For Legacy Week, participation from predominantly white houses of worship is sought for the Gala Dinner event on January 24 (7 pm) at the Greenville Convention Center. GUUF members who would like to join Rev. Lisa Bovee-Kemper at this event may purchase tickets at two GUUF tables (20 seats) in two ways. First, they may purchase individual tickets at face value ($75 per ticket). Second, they may contribute money toward the purchase of individual tickets to be used by other GUUF members. Persons who purchase tickets, and wish to join Rev. Lisa should indicate their interest. More information can be found at  To reserve a GUUF table place, you must contact Jim Hennigan at [email protected] or 350-1378. Checks should be made to “Rainbow-PUSH Greenville” not to the Fellowship.


Happy New Year! Believe it or not, the Social Justice Committee was formed just one short year ago—and what a busy and successful year it’s been. So now it’s time to celebrate!

Everyone is invited to SJC’s One-Year Anniversary Gathering Sunday, March 8, 2020, 12:15-1:45 pm downstairs in the RE Commons area. There will be food, cake, entertainment and games—along with prizes. We’ll also share the SJC survey results, upcoming plans and reminiscence about the year that was. All Group Leaders will be there to answer any questions you may have.
For more info or to RSVP please contact Karen Pere-Williams at [email protected].

ECONOMIC JUSTICE –ROWLAND MCFERRIN HOUSE – Water warriors are always needed to sign up to water the four trees that were planted last fall at RMH. Use the SignUp Genius link.  

PAT’S PANTRY – Please bring a donation to church with you and put it in the red cart before service. Non-perishable items such as canned meats, stews, paper products, toiletries, soaps etc. are always needed!