Magic Has Consequences

Religious scholars have called the spirituality of others “mythology” or “superstition” and some would say with scorn “they believe in magic.” Pagan, indigenous, and earth-relating traditions offer another perspective. If “Magic” is the art of transforming consciousness at will, what does consciousness create? Schrodinger says that consciousness creates reality. Magic and communal celebration practiced by earth-honoring and deity-relating traditions change the world. Let us learn from them how to create changes rooted in love.

Reverend Amy Beltaine provides a UU ministry of spiritual mentoring through individual and group appointments, Sunday services, rites, and rituals. Helping friends and family of the oppressed to break open instead of being broken by the pain in the world. You crave a world of love and justice: Revive your spiritual verve! When (spouse) Hawthorne and Amy are not pulling their little home behind them they are at home in Portugal or in Portland, Oregon. A graduate of Meadville Lombard School for the Ministry, Amy is on the coordinating committee of the UU Spiritual Directors’ Network. Amy is an accredited Spiritual Director and supervisor, nearly life-long earth-honoring Process Pan-en-theist, and faculty member at Cherry Hill Seminary. Amy aspires to become a Love-Ninja. Connect with Amy at