IHN families: April 7-14

IHN: Are you one of the 50+ wonderful people who has signed up to help host homeless families through the Interfaith Hospitality Network? If so, there will be a potluck/training/ information session at 12:30 pm on March 31. All volunteers are strongly encouraged to attend. If you can’t volunteer, but want to help by sponsoring family activities (movie passes, etc.), contact Lesley Lindstedt at [email protected]. If you didn’t sign up yet, but want to, go to the IHN Sign Up to add your details.

Will you be out of town that week? No worries! We all give in different ways: time, talent and treasure. If you don’t have time to volunteer that week, how about a bit of treasure to donate? We are taking up a collection to provide the families with movie passes or tickets to a baseball game for their Saturday time with us. Sponsoring these family activities will help relieve stress and provide some much needed bonding time for parents and kids as they navigate through the crisis of homelessness.

Make checks payable to GUUF and designate: IHN family fun fund on the memo line. Here is the link to learn more and sign up to volunteer that week: IHN If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Lesley Lindstedt at 864-322-3018 or [email protected].