Events proposed for 2025 here
We offer Religious Education classes for K-12 children and youth throughout the school year. Every family is encouraged to register so we have important information about your child and can best serve their needs. Click the link below to register your family.

Sunday class times: On most Sundays, classes for children and youth take place during the Sunday service (11-12:15). K-5th grade children always join their family in the service at 11 and leave for their classes after the story. 6-12th grade youth begin their classes at 11, downstairs in the RE Commons.

EXCEPTION FOR FIRST SUNDAYS: Starting this Fall, every first Sunday of the month, all K-12 children and youth should join their families in the service at 11 and head down to the RE Commons together for all-ages activities.

Read about our class offerings for different age groups below:

Kindergarten-1st grade and 2nd-3rd grade children do Spirit Play: a Montessori-based curriculum that invites children to explore wisdom stories and learn through play.

4th-5th grade children and Middle School youth will work with a “Soul Matters” curriculum which uses stories, experience-based learning activities, mindfulness practices, games, craft ideas, skits, videos, and more to explore our shared Unitarian Universalist values.

High School youth will be working closely with adult mentors in our congregation to engage in self-directed social change projects that explore our shared UU values while building the skills needed to make small changes in the world around them.

For more information about our Religious Education programs for children and youth, please contact our Director of Religious Education David Funderburk at [email protected].